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My first COVID project! Made with love for dear friends whose daughter was born in New York City in the early days of the pandemic, Val was my first experiment in gradient background tones and it was a ton of fun to make.


This is my own quilt design, the foundational block is a riff from a Diane Harris design published in Quiltmaker's 1,000 Blocks. I love the way each block creates the illusion of seeing the print behind through a window frame. The backing fabric was a gift from a friend and I used my favorite binding technique, piecing together strips of many different fabrics featured in the quilt, so the binding changes as you work your way around. 


I quilted this one freehand on my own machine at home, which felt like it stitched extra love into it. 

Valentina - Front
Valentina - Back
Valentina - Detail
Valentina - Detail
Valentina - Binding Detail
Valentina - Quilting Detail
  • itsbetsymade

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